100WC Week #21

We’ve been walking on this path for what seems like a year. Honestly, I am not sure where we are going but she says there is a surprise at the end. After a while, we can see the peak! It’s like a final stretch of a race getting to the top of this mountain, but once I took my first step on top it was worth the journey. Looking over everything, it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. It was full of the most colorful things like butterflies, the greenest grass, waterfalls, and it all felt surreal!



100WC Week #19

This season, I was positive we were gonna win our tournament. We all had worked so hard, and even spent extra time together so we could bond. On our first day of the tournament, it was pretty rocky, which had me nervous! Our team finished with three wins, and one loss, which put us at the third seed in our tournament! We had to play a game before the championship to make it, but against a lower seed so we won! It was now the championship game, and I shot a buzzer-beating three! “And the winner is,” calls the announcer…

100WC Week #18

Now reading the perspective of a girl named Cali, who lives in a little town of Minnesota. Her home is on the side of a quiet road, and she has a little barn in the backyard. Nobody really goes in there, but during the spring and summer they keep a couple cows for extra milk. One day during the winter she went out to explore the barn and forest behind it, but came across a key? She picked it up not knowing what for, but still went to explore the barn, and found a door behind it. But what for?